Friday, July 11, 2008

Surgery today for the Boy Scout


Yep. Today DH went under anesthesia for the very first time. Had to have a scope of his stomach done. News wasn't very encouraging as they did biopsies, but we'll wait for the results before we panic. He doesn't know yet what I do about the prelim results, but there isn't any sense in worrying him until we get the final word from pathology. Sometimes it drives me crazy working in medicine. Seems like I know just enough to panic, but not enough to have all the answers that I really need.

As he came out of sedation, he was pretty interesting. He looked so bewildered when he first went from OR into recovery that I asked him if he knew who I was. He said, "Of course, but don't tell my wife" with a very concerned look on his face. Just about turned and walked out right then and there. But I'll just hold it against him later. I mumbled something about telling his girlfriend that I would call and tell her he was fine. Then he rambled on about a girl in a REALLY short, tight skirt that we had seen walk past at the fireworks last week. Sheesh. He even remembered what color her skirt was. He can't even tell me what I had on this morning! Guess my legs aren't long enough or bare enough for him. Maybe I just have too much junk in my trunk. LOL

Picked pie cherries from our little orchard this afternoon. Got a big bowl full ready to pit and make into pie. Doesn't fresh cherry pie sound divine? Have to wait for it to cool down a bit before I'm into turning on the oven to bake it. Love cherry pie!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Yeah! Sunday!

I love Sundays. It's such a blessing to have a day to put the things of the world aside and just rest. And the first Sunday of each month is extra special. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the "Mormons") we fast from food and drink for 2 meals and then donate the money we would have spent on food to the church to feed the poor. Most of the money goes to people who live in our immediate area. Any left-overs (I know, it's a bad food pun.) are collected and sent world-wide to those in need. I like it because I can sacrifice for someone else even if I don't have any extra money. By donating what I would have spent anyway, it is a true sacrifice because I don't eat.

And I've always felt that fasting is a cleansing for body and spirit. Our main church meeting on Sundays is Sacrament Meeting. We gather as saints and sing and pray, partake of the Lord's sacrament and renew our covenents that we made at baptism. We believe that when we truly repent of what we do wrong, our Heavenly Father will forgive us. This is made possible by the atonement of the Savior, Jesus Christ. When I take the sacrament, I try to think of the things that I am repenting of and ask for forgiveness and strength to do better in the coming week. Making myself a better person with Christ's help has brought me a lot of peace in my life, and a lot of strength.

So, why are we sometimes called "Mormons"? Mormon was an ancient prophet who taught his people about Christ and how they could grow closer to Him and our Heavenly Father. The record of his teachings and the teachings of other ancient prophets are combined in a book called the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. We use it along with the Bible as our scriptures. Because of this, some people years back started calling us Mormons. We are Christians because we follow Christ, but Mormon isn't a bad thing either since the prophet Mormon was a great man who taught his people to follow Christ too. The correct way to refer to us as a collective people though is Latter-Day Saints. Sometimes people get confused and think we worship Mormon or Joseph Smith. Though both are great prophets, we don't worship either of them. We worship only our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, His son.

So Sunday is here again and I'm happy to rest. I did a lot yesterday. Cleaned out the fridge and boy was it gross!!! I also weeded out in the garden in the morning and evening when it had cooled down some. Weeded out the front flowerbed, washed a load of dishes and 2 loads of laundry. Washed the dog since she decided to roll in something gross. Ewww!!! I went into town and stopped at several different places to do some shopping etc. After I got home about 9:30, we did some family fireworks. Then off to bed! No wonder I love Sundays! Time to rest from all that work! LOL

It's off to church here in a few hours and then I'm headed for a nap this afternoon. Yippee!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's soooo hot!

Wow! It's really hot here. As I've been sitting here working on some scrapbooking layouts (of course) the temperature keeps climbing outside. According to weatherbug, it's 94 in the next large town. And that means it's usually a couple of degrees hotter out here. People just laugh and say it's a dry heat, but I say heat is heat!

I worked out in the garden this morning before it got too warm. By 9:30, I was plenty ready to come inside. The peas are looking fantastic and so are the beans, spuds, raspberries, onions, lettuce, carrots, corn and tomatoes. Even the peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini look wonderful. The garden is doing so well this year. I feel really pleased with it. It's taken a lot of work, but I feel so much better health wise this year that getting out there isn't the burden it has been in years past.

I find I actually like weeding sometimes. Especially when it's cool and quiet outside. Kind of like my own quiet time to think and meditate on the weightier things of the universe. Haven't solved any great problems yet, but I'm learing a lot about myself.

I'm so glad tomorrow is a holiday. It will be nice to have everyone home together. We are going to celebrate Grandpa and Grandma's anniversary with a picnic. Hopefully we will have lots of ice! LOL Supposed to be windy, so maybe the fireworks will be postponed. I hope not. There's something really neat about knowing that people all over the country are celebrating at the same time.