Monday, September 29, 2008

A new scrapbook page

When I was little, I wanted to be a cowgirl. REALLY wanted to be a cowgirl! Now that I'm all grown up, I finally got the chance to look the part. At the Taylor Swift concert in Cheyenne WY, DH bought me a hat. I love it! Someday I will buy myself the boots to go with. But for now, the hat has made me deliriously happy. Here's my scrapbook page, made from a kit designed by QueenBratDesigns. Love it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It worked!

The spots on my hands went away completely after doing the liquid nitrogen treatments! It totally works. How cool is that?!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't try this at home...

Ok, so here's the scoop. I went to the dermatologist today for the first time. Being in my last year of my 30's has me a little freaked out about all the age related things that seem to be happening all of a sudden to my body. I know that most of them have been building up for my entire lifetime, but it's like I look in the mirror and all of a sudden I see things that I haven't noticed before. For the last month, it's been sun discolorations on my face and hands. Now, I'm not talking age spots here, mind you. Those are for little old ladies. Yeah, right.

Anyway, I made an appointment with the derm to see what could be done to them. I was thinking laser treatments, chemical peels etc. And guess what he told me? That I can have them frozen off with liquid nitrogen. Yep. The same stuff we use at work all the time to freeze people's plantar warts. He told me that was the most effective treatment I could use. I declined to have it done at their office since it would be free at my work. And I promptly called my doctor friend at work to see if he would do it. Not a chance. He wouldn't even consider it. Chicken!

What's an ingenous girl to do? Why go to the other office our company operates across town and bum a cup of liquid nitrogen! And I had a do-it-myself "burn off the spots" party at home. I should look really grand when all of these spots heal up and scab over. Thank goodness I don't have to work again for a week. I did every spot I could find on my body! I took off keratoses, sun discolorations, moles (this doesn't ususally work, but what the heck), and a few freckles. At the moment, everything itches. Really itches! Since this little incident is self-inflicted, I won't complain. Especially since I expect to look like I'm in my 20's by this time next week. LOL

Can it really take 10 years off my face? I'm hoping it does! Now if I could just use the liquid nitrogen to take 10 pounds off my hips.....