Yep. Today DH went under anesthesia for the very first time. Had to have a scope of his stomach done. News wasn't very encouraging as they did biopsies, but we'll wait for the results before we panic. He doesn't know yet what I do about the prelim results, but there isn't any sense in worrying him until we get the final word from pathology. Sometimes it drives me crazy working in medicine. Seems like I know just enough to panic, but not enough to have all the answers that I really need.
As he came out of sedation, he was pretty interesting. He looked so bewildered when he first went from OR into recovery that I asked him if he knew who I was. He said, "Of course, but don't tell my wife" with a very concerned look on his face. Just about turned and walked out right then and there. But I'll just hold it against him later. I mumbled something about telling his girlfriend that I would call and tell her he was fine. Then he rambled on about a girl in a REALLY short, tight skirt that we had seen walk past at the fireworks last week. Sheesh. He even remembered what color her skirt was. He can't even tell me what I had on this morning! Guess my legs aren't long enough or bare enough for him. Maybe I just have too much junk in my trunk. LOL
Picked pie cherries from our little orchard this afternoon. Got a big bowl full ready to pit and make into pie. Doesn't fresh cherry pie sound divine? Have to wait for it to cool down a bit before I'm into turning on the oven to bake it. Love cherry pie!